Diva beirut - Tarek Moukaddem

    Diva Beirut tell us about you. Who are you and why you chose this name?
    Diva, a 26-year-old Lebanese Drag artist, costume designer, and comedian, burst onto the scene in 2018 at the Beirut Grand Ball, launching a career that has soared ever since. A champion of body positivity and self-love, Diva challenges norms as a plus-sized queen, fearlessly featured in shoots for esteemed designers and photographers. Beyond the stage, Diva immerses herself in the vibrant oriental scene of the Middle East, drawing inspiration for her fashion and costume designs. The name diva represents my essence, my personality, and my flamboyance.

    Who’s behind this Diva character?
    Diva is not just a character for me, diva is also an identity and a big part of who I am even in my daily life.

    Om kalsoum? Is she your inspirational icon? Tell us more
    Being a Lebanese Arab drag queen, the culture and artists surrounding me have always inspired me. It is essential to promote my culture in my art and every icon I grew up watching from Sabah to Oum Koulthoum to Sheriahn is an inspiration to me.

    How do you create your looks?
    I reference my looks from the concepts I come up with. So according to every idea, I look for inspiration around me, and based on that I start creating. As a performer and a fashion/costume designer, it is crucial to me to have a solid concept with every look and message being delivered.

    Why not Drag Race Show?
    RPDR for me and every drag queen is very important. and for an arab queen is a dream of course… But for me now, the movement we are creating and the boundaries we have pushed on the ground in the Arab world are much more difficult and at the same time necessary in our society.

    How is it living in Beirut and its society?
    Living in Beirut is not easy, even worse for a queer person. And can you imagine a drag queen? By Being yourself and loving every part of yourself, you will overcome most obstacles or negativity thus demanding respect. Also, parent’s love and acceptance are so important, especially in the early stages so this is a call to all parents to accept all their kids just as they are and love them regardless so they can love themselves and achieve the same.  

    Finally, where do you see yourself in the future?
    one always strives to see themselves in a place where everything he has worked for pays off in the end. to me specifically, my drag is a message! and it is my goal to deliver that message to the Arab world and eventually the world that we as Queer or LGBT individuals exist and we are here to stay and are proud of whatever identity we hold. Finally, I'd like to use this and every other platform to remind everyone to love themselves. 

    Photos by Tarek Moukaddem
    Interview by Sleiman Dayaa